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Video Friday: The Coolest Robots

Jul 15, 2023

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

Enjoy today’s videos!

We’ve just relaunched the IEEE Robots Guide over at, featuring new robots, new interactives, and a complete redesign from the ground up. Tell your friends, tell your family, and explore nearly 250 robots in pictures and videos and detailed facts and specs, with lots more on the way!

[Robots Guide]


Lite3’s announced price is US $2,900. It ships in September.

[Deep Robotics]

This work will be presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023) in London next week.

[Mateo Guaman Castro]

Thanks, Mateo!

[Dusty Robotics]

Apptronik has half of its general-purpose robot ready to go!

The other half is still a work in progress, but here’s progress:


A spotted-lanternfly-murdering robot is my kind of murdering robot.


ANYmal is rated IP67 for water resistance, but this still terrifies me.


Check out the impressive ankle action on this humanoid walking over squishy terrain.


[ Wing ]

[ Pollen Robotics ]

The most efficient drone engine is no engine at all.

[ MAVLab ]

Is your robot spineless? Should it be? Let’s find out.

[ UPenn ]

Looks like we’re getting closer to that robot butler.

[ Prisma Lab ]

This episode of the Robot Brains podcast features Raff D’Andrea, from Kiva, Verity, and ETH Zurich.

[ Robot Brains ]